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Make a donation to Carillon Cottage

Carillon Cottage is funded entirely by donations. These enable us to run the Cottage, to cover the basic mileage expenses for volunteer drivers and to meet the overheads of the Cottage – for example, building maintenance, heating, insurance, stationery, computer costs etc.  Thank you for your support.

There are four easy ways to give . . .

1. Online payment by card

You can make an instant one-off, or monthly donation using our secure online giving partner 'give a little'.

Just click the donate button and you will be taken to the Carillon Cottage giving portal.

2. Internet banking

You can make a gift to our bank account using account details below:

Name: Wadhurst Parochial Church Council Carillon Cottage
Sort Code: 60-22-15
Account: 35138394

If you are a UK taxpayer, please download and complete this Gift Aid form and return it to Carillon Cottage. Through this we’re able to claim an additional 25% from the government.

3. At the Cottage

You can make a donation by card, cheque or cash at Carillon Cottage.

4. Post

You can send a cheque made out to 'Carillon Cottage' and post to Carillon Cottage, High Street, Wadhurst, TN5 6AA. If you are a UK taxpayer, please download and complete this Gift Aid form and return it with your cheque to Carillon Cottage. Through this we're able to claim an additional 25% from the government.

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